Rhonda's Retrievers in Enterprise, MS
Goodie and Remi My Miracle LucyXHenry babies
Penny is a daughter of Pinkie X Behr litter. Penny is a GoldieXBoomer granddaughter and LucyXHenry great granddaughter. She is full of life and is the perfect size! She is a 58 lb female and is always up for an adventure. She loves hunting, swimming, traveling, and even cuddling. She does have her AKC JH title and her UKC SHR title. She is training now toward her HR hunting title.
Remi is a daughter of LucyXHenry litter. She is a sweetheart that is super tender hearted. She is a trained duck dog and is a pleaser! She is a GOLDEN girl with a wonderful demeanor. Her size is 56 lbs. She has a beautiful full coat and is stunning. She reminds me of my Lucy with her heart of gold. She is such an obedient girl.